\…and yes, that is Nebuchadnezzar dressed up like Santa Claus. I guess the wisemen are getting coal this year—haha. I couldn’t resist having a bit of fun here. Interestingly enough, it may very well be that those wisemen were of Nebuchadnezzar’s nationality. The Chaldeans and Babylonians were astronomers and astrologers, who studied the stars to the point where they could determine what day of the year it was by gazing at the night sky, just like God predicted when He commanded the stars into existence, “…let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years…” (Gen. 1:14). The wisemen, in particular, studied them religiously, as they advised kings by seeking for signs and omens among the stars, though all the while missing the One who created the stars—well, that is, until this one star shone in the East…
Long, long ago, God humbled the proud Nebuchadnezzar, even to the point of insanity, in order to break him for his own sake so that he might come to know God. 600 or so years later Christ, being God, choose to humble Himself, even to the point of death, breaking Himself—not for His sake—but for ours, that we might come to know Him.
This Christmas, remember that the same God who gave Nebuchadnezzar all his glory and took it all away in order to establish Nebuchadnezzar is the same God who set aside His own glory and came to earth to be with lowly man. He has given us the invitation to come to know Him and someday sit at His table, paying the full price Himself.
Long, long ago, God humbled the proud Nebuchadnezzar, even to the point of insanity, in order to break him for his own sake so that he might come to know God. 600 or so years later Christ, being God, choose to humble Himself, even to the point of death, breaking Himself—not for His sake—but for ours, that we might come to know Him.
This Christmas, remember that the same God who gave Nebuchadnezzar all his glory and took it all away in order to establish Nebuchadnezzar is the same God who set aside His own glory and came to earth to be with lowly man. He has given us the invitation to come to know Him and someday sit at His table, paying the full price Himself.